I decided to try apple/peanut butter quesadillas in the younger set's lunch and it came out well. The apple bits I didn't use went into Greg's lunch.

I got the silicone pops to try out and they didn't work so well. I made regular jello and it warmed up enough to make a mess while being eaten by a 6 year old. Next time, I will use the jello jiggler recipe instead. The watermelon was a hit with everyone. And, like I mentioned in the previous post, although it looks like Kaitlyn got the short end of the lunch stick, she has the same amount. She has a bit more veggie straws than the others have.

The only thing notable about these lunches is the inclusive of a honey stix. I think these are cinnamon honey ones. There is about a teaspoon of honey in them, just enough for a sweet treat.
Here is a conversation between Kaity and I regarding sweet things in her lunch.
Me: Do you want a cookie?
K: No
M: Honey stix?
K: No
M: Well, I wanted to put something sweet in there for you
K: You can put love in, it is sweet.
M: I make your lunch with love every day
K: Then it is sweet! (and then she told me she thought the pretzels were sweet enough)
I like this girl :)

You can get all the details on my new, cool, nifty Easy Lunch Boxes if you go go read this post :)

Iain asked me to stop putting picks in his lunch. I would have any way since HE KEEPS THROWING THEM AWAY! He has to make a special effort to do this since there is nothing in his lunch that requires him to make a trip to the trash during lunch.
Kind of a blank looking lunch but it is by request. You can't see it but under the popcorn are a few of the mini oreo cookies and 2 gummy worms. Greg decided to buy lunch for the day.
One thing that is odd about these lunches that is not visible to the camera is that all the sandwiches are the same kind. Every kid requested PBJ...a first!
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