First day of school! I thought they were a little too beige, I need to work on getting some more color into them.
Greg: PBHoney, carrots, grapes, apples and a honey stix
Rhys and Kierynn: PB, carrots, cheese, apples, bunny crackers and 3 cake bites
Iain: cheese sandwich is the only difference
Kierynn: PB, cheese stick, bunny crackers, cake bites, Laughing Cow wedge and greek yogurt

Sandwiches are usually the same so I am only going to note things that maybe are not clear from the picture
Greg: the green tub contains ranch salad dressing
The rest of the kids had variations of pickles, cucumbers and carrots based on individual preference. Two like ranch dressing. The brown thing is a piece of fudge that got overcooked and became more like toffee.

Greg: pudding is in the cup
Kaitlyn and Iain: half a PB sandwich
Kierynn and Rhys: It is just bread pieces since I was testing out how the impressions looked.
Iain brought back his pudding, untouched. "Why didn't you eat your pudding?" "I didn't know what it was, I thought it was some weird pickle sauce." Uhm, okay.
There was no school on Friday due to flooding. We knew enough in advance that I didn't make any lunches
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