Rhys really loves his Pokemon bento box but a traditional sandwich is not going to fit in there unless I cut it and really, his best bet is the 4-in-1 cutter. Lucky for both of us, he actually likes his sandwich being cut (and cute) Iain won't touch his sandwich if it is cut at all, no way, shape or form.
As I was shopping, there is always demo tables set up. One was being manned by a very nice German lady who was offering samples of some bread by Pepperidge Farm. Can you guess?? You betcha, it was goldfish shaped bread, complete with the smile!! Since it was new and there was a coupon, I grabbed one of the wheat ones. Even with a coupon, it is more than I would normally spend on bread ($1.50 for 8 pairs) but I could not pass up the cuteness.
I showed Rhys and Kierynn who gave me a thumbs up and even Kaitlyn asked if she could have a goldfish shaped sandwich tomorrow. When I took it out of the bag, I was a bit concerned that it would be too large for the Pokemon box. It is not, it fits in there nicely so tonight, I made his lunch and laid the sandwich on top. It worked like a charm! Have mentioned that I am impressed at how much food I can actually get into that box?

Greg (top left): Deli sandwich, grapes, apples, pistachios, cheese, 2 cookies. After this was taken, I put in a few leftover Pocky in there too.
Kierynn (bottom left) PB, brownie, 2 Pocky sticks, cheese, grapes, apples and a few cheese crackers
Kaitlyn (top right) pretty much the same as Kierynn but she got more cheese crackers
Iain (bottom left)) Ham, 2 Pocky sticks, grapes, cheese crackers, cheese, brownie
Rhys (bottom center) Same thing as Kierynn except no grapes
Monday lunches for the smaller crowd are a bit on the lighter side since they only have a half day. This means the short lunch time is even shorter. Once they get home, they all grab a snack anyway.
Little Debbie has made her first appearance in lunches. I really dislike how so many things are double packaged. I used 2 packets of brownies here and split them between 4 kids. I considered cutting the brownie into a star or something but then the trimmings would be tempting me to eat them so I left them as a square. Even though the Pocky has chocolate on it, it really is not a lot.
When I did my shopping, I looked at things differently, trying to think of how they could work in the bento style lunches. I still have 2 hold outs on me and since they are a 15 and 16 year old boy, I am not too upset that they make their own lunches still.
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